Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Heart vs. The Brain

This is something I wrote for the AC (Associated Content) There has been much speculation about what this was written about. At this moment, it means many things =). The above link will take you to

The Brain seems cold and calculating, it wants the world for it's own taking.

The Heart is warm and full of love. A blessed gift from God above.

The Brain counts money. Quotes books and math. And when it's mad, will show it's wrath!

The Heart is present at your wedding, during childbirth and intimate settings.

The Brain you know, it does not care. For you, or me, or others there.

The Heart you'll see, will never stray. It is too good; was made that way.

The Brain you'll see, will turn it's back. If you complain, expect attack!

The Heart will stop and really hear, all the secrets you hold dear.

The Brain you see, refuses your cares. It has much more important affairs.

When time is done, and things must end, The Heart will be your only friend.

The Brain will turn, and run and flee. No time for you, or them, or me.

So listen close to words I say, I am an organ sleuth.

Don't follow The Brain too closely friend, because, The Heart, it knows the truth.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Wildwood Daze!!!!


A'ight. I am officially a Liberty Bell again. I love. Love. LOVE! IT!!! I moved away in Sept. of '99. I was craving culture, adventure, maturity and introspection. I wanted to do things my own way. Wanted to pave my own path and cheer to my own crowd. Metaphorically, and with a touch of realism. Been there, cheered that. I moved away in Sept. of '09. In my time away, I learned A LOT! Some I will tell you now, some I will remember next month, some.... in another 2+ years. =) Stick around. I can promise even more fun.

I have lived in PA, NJ, AZ, TX, & TN. Even MOST of my well traveled friends can't say they have been able to stay in a place long enough to really understand the culture. My Philly friends who visit the "Jersey Shore", where I live now, year after year, or who own real-estate here, don't get the full understanding of W.W. They know the summer version, but the other 3 seasons are just as cool. It's during those moments, that W.W. shines.

To understand the island, to get an true idea of how incredible this place is, you have to live here off season. Honestly. You might think there is nothing to do. You might think noone really lives here. You would be mistaken. You might just find you love the seasonal rush. The relaxtion of the off-season might rest and refresh your soul. It's even more refreshing during the off season.

The summer stereotype is a dark contrast against the stark beliefs of many W.W. vacationers. The year round inhabitants here are amazing! Everyone has a story. Northern people might appear rude to southerners, or midwestern folk. Curt is how I would aptly describe them. But, man! Get to know a teacher, fireman, police-officer, nurse, or pizza maker here, and you can't help to feel that they are relatable. Likeable. Each person has a story. If you give them 10 minutes they will tell it to you during the 1st meeting. They will bear their souls without worry. This is the way people here connect. It's amazing. They will blossom and offer their story. No walls. If you like them, if you accept them, you are friends. If not, you move on. And honestly, everyone just wants to be friends. Honesty is not just a virtue here, it's a way of life. It's SO cool!

THEY might say things like, " No bars open, no restaurants.! Boardwalk, Rick's seafood and most other landmarks are closed! There is noone there in the winter and nothing to do!" They are SO wrong. The people who own those things DO live here - for the most part. They just close down during the off season and are able to concentrate on family. Us, "vacationers", enable them to do that. They, are the truly rich - even though they are blue-collar. They concentrate on families, kids, and community during the 3 off seasons. They come together to create an incredible and safe environment. It's a great place to raise kids! The whole community comes together for the kids each and every holiday. Wildwood is the City of Parades! Did you know that? There is 1 almost EVERY weekend. Even in Oct., Nov., Dec., Jan., etc....

Don't go getting offended Philly! Just take it like a guy in TX, TN or CA, would react if you said, "YOU can make a REAL cheesesteak? Good luck! Your water isn't dirty enough to make good bread." Open your eyes and realize what this place holds. It's a GOLDMINE!!!!

My grandparents met, and started our family tradition here. My grandmom was Miss North Wildwood. (My sister is the current firt runner up!) She was dating Dean Martin and had her modeling pictures displayed all over billboards in NJ, & PA during her early years. She dated men that would eventually become senators, movie stars, or politicians. My Pop-Pop was a lifeguard when they met, but eventually worked as an Asst. D.A. in Philly under Bobby Kennedy. He was 1 of the main players in the indictment of Jimmy Hoffa - jury tampering. (My uncle Mark holds the title of D.A. Superstar now. And HE is a Pitbull!!)

My pops was in charge of the public exchange between judicial representatives. Bobby Kennedy asked him to publicly take Jimmy, in cuffs, in front of the media and make the transfer. This was a moment where pops could have gained public popularity. But my pops was the one who refused to do it publicly. My pop argued against the Paparazzi effect. HE was the one who said, NO- I will not make him suffer public humiliation for no reason! "Now that I know it will hurt someone, I will not play by YOUR rules. Hate me if you want." It runs in the blood. My family doesn't drink poisonous Kool-Aid. We don't snitch. We stand for principles, and evacuate the situation, or take charge of the moment before the morals go down the tubes. My family rocks and I am proud of them!

We may not be perfect. In fact, we all take pride in the fact that we are NOT perfect. But we embrace our intuition towards justice. Our moral compasses point north. We defend the underdog. I am not saying none of us ever strayed south, I am just saying, there were morals, cultural influences, and reasons we strayed. But our moral compasses were always easily corrected. We strive for justice. We even tell on ourselves. Hello... I can't keep my own faults quiet.

So after living all over the world, why would I return to Wildwood after all these years? Tell me these smiles, which happen 100 times a day here, aren't worth it. They are to me. They will be, to them ,when they grow up and have families of their own. I am supplying a nucleus for them. I am showing them a place to heal when the world turns it's back on you. I am showing them how to live out loud! And I am showing them that there are places that you can live that make you feel safe. Most people don't even lock their doors here.

This is the only place I have ever known as a home. Wildwood is my nucleus. Always has been. It has been for my entire family. So, if you did not know me B.C. - Before Cheer - you may not understand the importance of my return. This place is more important than cheer. I LOVE cheer! LOVE the coaches! LOVE the athletes! I didn't LOVE my location in Memphis.
Yes, I could coach here. I could open a gym. But I choose to concentrate on my kids right now. I have incredible friends who coach and I can live vicariously through them.
Why did I dislike Memphis so much you may ask? It all started when I was held up at gunpoint, during the middle of a March afternoon, in front of Target while I was with my kids. 3 people in a rusty gold Honda held up a mailman at gunpoint and then tailed me to the Target a 1/2 mile from my house. I noticed the car while pulling out of a Bank of America. I also noticed a guy with a sweatshirt and a heavy jacket on, who seemed to be wherever I was in the store. As I walked out of the store, I noticed the gold car parked directly across from mine.
Then, out of the shadows stepped my stalker. He walked up behind me, grabbed me from behind and made every hair on the back of my neck stand up. I was about to have THAT moment. The one every mom and woman alone fears. Luckily, "Divine Intervention", occured. The cops stepped out from behind a wall, grabbed the guy and his 2 friends out of the car. While frisking the trio, they pulled guns, scissors, brass knuckles, and screwdrivers. Talk about timing.

During,(one of), the BEST career(s) of my life. I could not find a sense of security. Had my car broken into 3 times. (Starting on the 1st night I lived there.) When I told friends about the safety hazard, they all said, "Welcome to Memphis!" Robbery happened to almost everyone I knew there. Somehow, they got used to it. I never did. Nor did I want my kids to grow up thinking that was the norm, or that it was just a part of life. I wanted better for my kids. They deserved better. I knew a big city held big crime. This was a small city trying to pretend to be a big city, by increasing the crime rate. Maybe that is why Shelby County was the 4th hardest hit place in the country to lose real-estate value. Anybody want to buy a house?

I am not afraid to walk around the city streets of Philly, NYC, Madrid, London, Paris, Ontario, or Mexico at night. Go a 1/2 mile from my house in Memphis mid-afternoon, and I could be held at gun, screwdriver, scissor, or brass knuckle, point while my kids were in tow. Thank GOD for divine intervention. (I would rather change careers than feel unsafe. No perks are worth having to settle for semi-security.) I left some incredible friends behind. My heart still hurts and misses them. But I was tired of being scared. I wanted safety. It was time to go.

I visited Spain, on my own, with below conversational Spanish skills. I thrived. I traveled on a plane to Paris, France less than 5 days on the same American Airline flight that survived the "Shoe-bomber". I spent Y2K in London. Each time, I was told, "Don't Go!"- Your safety is at risk! I went anyway. I felt support walking the street of Chantilly, France during the New Years Day Parade when people were waving American flags out of their windows right after 9-11! I was at home across the pond. I knew I could face anything. Question was, did I have to?

Wildwood is a healing place. This is a place for people to be themselves. This is a place for people to relax. A place for love, introspection, discovery, and re-birth. So, if you wonder where is Jen? What is she doing? I am fine. I am finally home. Will I travel again? Hell, yeah! Am I chomping at the bit for it? Not anymore. Been there - survived that. I still love cheer. Still think the coaches are amazing in the time, effort, and love that they shovel out. But, I spend holidays at home with my family now. I choose Wildwood, NJ. And I am happy to the core.

This is the home of Do-Wap and the Jersey Boys. Here, I thrive in comfort food. Here, I understand honesty. Here, I don't hide behind the words, "Bless her heart!". Bless her heart is what southerners say before they insult somebody. It's like saying, "No offense but..." I can't do that. Those are ugly words meant to make the jerk who is about to insult somebody feel better about what is about to come out of their mouth. I would rather say to them, "Look sweetie others are talking about you. How can I help? And yes! I will be your friend no matter what.
I am not afraid of truth and I will not just appear during the good times." The NE crew has offered that to me and my family. I respect the honesty in that.
Look, Memphis is great! Beale street rocks! The culture there is phenominal! It's just not for me. Others seem to thrive there. I have nothing but respect for them. I admire that. However, I walk on the beach everyday. I know everyone who comes in contact with my kids. This is where I belong. I may pack up and move someday, until I need to heal again. Then, and every chance until then, I will come here to rest my soul. Here I find peace.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Have a PC Holiday!!!

So, I have been thinking about the holiday season. How can you ignore it? I mean, any half serious retail store who wants to try and extend the wrung out economy, has been pushing the "Reason for the Season" crap down our proverbial throats since Halloween!!

Here are my short but sweet weekend thoughts on the Holiday Season:

1.) Celebrate CHRISTMAS with a Capital C!!!!
You heard me. Don't be shy. Put on a cross. Dust off the Nativity. Pull the fruitcake out from behind the door and stop using it as a door stop.
Get an obnoxious blow up decoration and hang up green herbs with a red bow in your doorways and create uncomfortable social situations. String up lights, waste precious energy, cut down trees, and blame it all on religious tradition. Remember that you are NOT supposed to chew Communion Wafers.

For some of you, visit church for the only time since Easter. Or visit it regularly. Jump on the Jesus bandwagon! Don a shirt with a picture of Jesus with the letters brb, under it. Wear a rosary as jewlelry or break out the cross that your Godmother gave you at your communion or confirmation. Sing; Oh Bethlehem, Rockin' around the Christmas, Silent Night, or screw up the words to: Good King Wenceslas looked outOn the feast of StephenWhen the snow lay round about - Deep and crisp and even -Brightly shone the moon that night - Though the frost was cruel - When a poor man came in sight - Gath'ring winter fuel. - Drink. Drink too much red wine, or egg nog and cry over video reels containing Christmases of the past.

Be nice to everyone around you and be receptive to kindness. Understand that no matter what holiday other's are celebrating, it is wonderful, deserves respect, and creates a loving atmosphere that does not exist most times of the year.
2.) Celebrate:
Chanukah, Chanuka

Khanukkah , or Hanaka
with a CAPITAL H! K! or CH! (depending on your orthodoxity....or whatever you rate your Kosher spirituality on....).

Drag your gift giving out over 8 days. Fast. EAT! Deflect family guilt with a well practiced diamond studded, deflective wall that has an opaque Shalom insignia frosted into the imaginary glass.

Lights candles. Play Adam Sandler's 8 crazy nights over and over again to drown out the obnoxious Christian Chirstmas music played in every elevator and retail store in America. Earworm those Gentile, bacon eating, Gefilte fish virgins with the song Dreidle, Dreidle, Dreidle during every awkward pause in their carols. Explain, AGAIN! that Hannukah Harry is not the Jewish Santa, he is not real, nor does he exist outside of SNL.

Be nice to everyone around you and be receptive to kindness. Understand that no matter what other's are celebrating, it is wonderful, deserves respect, and creates a loving atmosphere that does not exist most times of the year.


3.) Celebrate Kwanzaa with a Capital KW!

Celebrate different cultures and reaffirm the bonds within those relationships. Give special consideration to the creator, in creation and give special respect for the blessings, bountifulness and beauty of creation. Celebrate the good. Bring forth the best of African cultural thought and practice. Discover the values of Kwanzaa.

Look. I am an Irish girl. Give me props for trying. I researched the HECK out of Kwanzaa. AND I want a BBFF more than any white woman in America. Oh I have some. I just want more. Once my girlfriend Jamilla taught me how to perm her hair, and a social appreciation for respect and celebration while being ultra cool...., it was all over. I will continue to study this until I can write a funnier bit about Kwanzaa. Until then, here are some media quotes on what the rest of us suspect is true, but those who celebrate Kwanzaa use as fodder for our nest in the "I told you so! I just KNEW it!" afterlife.

"I wasn't expecting God to be a black woman," Mack gasped.
"That's because you've never read any quasi-liberal, religious crap like this before," God laughed.
The Digested Read of The Shack.

I’m not one of those people who’s, like, "Oh, God is black—is he going to steal the moon, or something?"
The Sarah Silverman Program

A common subversion on the common "old white guy with a beard" take on God: God takes on the appearance instead of a minority group, usually either black or female (or both). Sometimes, this stretches across to other religious figures, such as the Devil or angels. Done well, it can be a subtle and humorous take on discrimination. Done badly, it comes across as an Anvilicious attempt at generating liberal guilt, and a particularly extreme use of the Magical Negro trope.

Be nice to everyone around you and be receptive to kindness. Understand that no matter what other's are celebrating, it is wonderful, deserves respect, and creates a loving atmosphere that does not exist most times of the year.